Cannabis Sativa

Otherwise Known As: Marijuana, Weed, Green, Chop, Dope, Gunja, Reefer, Roach, Pot etc. Method: There are many different ways of smoking weed, the most common being in a bong, pipe or joint (otherwise known as a ‘Blunt’, ‘Doobie’ or ‘Spliff’), you can also eat it by itself of mixed into muffins, biscuits, brownies or any other sweet baked treat. Reaction Time: Smoking: Near Instant, Eating: 20-40 Minutes. Effects: Green is one of the best drugs, in my personal opinion, ever. It is a very good start-out drug, as it has a very mellow, calming affect, it is the most “soft” illegal drug known at this point, and it is impossible (at this point in time) to overdose. When you are high on this drug, you feel different than normal, and this is accentuated more depending on how much you have/can handle. Sometimes you can ‘trip’ which basically (very basically, as it can be different for everyone) means your mind can float off on a tangent, and not return for some time, whether this be minutes, seconds, or hours (although this has never really been proven as your perception of time also tends to change with the help of dope). No one’s reaction is the same, and no one will get the same effects. Best advice is to try it out and just see what happens.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Cannabis Sativa. Some of the top words include: kronik, Weed, reefa, indo, tokin', and 25 more.